Level 1 Change Maker
is running a Petition
Stop penalising carers!
of 200 signatures
To Helen Whately
I have received Carer's Allowance for around 20 of the 30 years for which I have been a carer, despite having been educated to PhD and had many work opportunities as a young person. I am now 60. The system currently means if you earn more than £139 a week you lose the allowance, even though you have to continue to do the caring work, which is often relentless. Also, if you work overseas, as I did recently, having been headhunted in a specialist area, you then cannot claim CA for two years on ret... see more
Petition text
I would suggest abolishing or increasing the ceiling for carers' earnings, and introducing professional and pro-active organisations to support their career progress, should they wish to receive this.
Organise Member #723076
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This!! My caring role is full on, I couldn't afford to pay someone even minimum wage for the hours needed, especially overnight and social work only give minimum to those deemed to need more help (I cope apparently therefore I'm not funded for any hours). I have a couple of hours of work 2 days a week when my son is at a charity music group. I am terrified of going just 1p over the threshold and losing my full carers allowance, it really feels like I'm trapped I can't give up the hours caring to work enough to cover lost carers allowance but struggle on what I am receiving especially with costs rising moth to month and could use some extra wages..
Organise Member #1368794
my wife has been my carer for years and like others when you reach a certain age the allowance stops which is totally unfair.the money stops and the work continues which is theft by the government out of the poorly pittance you get for the job you do to start with.
Organise Member #1401509
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Please sign if you agree, thanks
Organise Member #197665
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This government will deprive as many people as possible of any benefit. So unjust.
Organise Member #1162706
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Why not have professional carers instead?
Organise Member #1759846
The Government doesn't recognize Carers in anything yet they save the Country billions. They didn't even get the extra cost of living payment which is absolutely disgraceful.